League Facts!
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Here I have tried to bring together some facts that you may or may not know about the league, some of these may have been mentioned before on the site. Thanx to everyone who has submitted a fact.

All of the gents grew up in the north of England, other wise known as `up nnnaaaaaooorrtttthhhh`

They began writting together in 1994 and their break came in 1996 when they got a regular show slot at the canal cafe

The music for `The League of Gentlemen` was written by Joby Talbot of the Divine comedy, a really good band!!

Jeremy is also musical. He is in a band called `Rudolph Rocker`. He and Mark wrote the lyrics for `Voodoo Lady` and `Rudolph Rocker` wrote the music.

The Word "egrigious As" means apart form the herd, outstanding, remarkably bad, flagerant, (taken from Collins concise Dictionary)